Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants
Wisconsin law prohibits a person from driving while under the influence of intoxicants or any other substance that may impair a person’s driving ability. A blood alcohol content of 0.08 or higher is considered “legally drunk.”
You must be 21 years old or older to legally consume alcohol. A person may be arrested for any alcohol consumption if under 21. It is also illegal for a person over age 21 to supply alcohol beverages to minors. It is unlawful to have an open container of beer, wine or liquor in any public area such as streets, sidewalks, alleys or parks, or in any automobiles or public conveyances.
Possession of any type of guns or rifles on University property is not permitted. If you do have a weapon for hunting and live in a residential hall, it must be stored at the UWSP Armory. The armory is located at the Police and Security Services Office, George Stien Building, 346-3456.
Wisconsin law prohibits a person from making an offensive remark or gesture in a public place, doing or threatening to do physical harm, using abusive language in a public place, following another person in a public place, or engaging in conduct that alarms or annoys another person and serves no legitimate purpose. Wisconsin law also prohibits making telephone calls with no legitimate purpose of communication.
Disorderly Conduct
A person may be arrested and charged with disorderly conduct if he or she engages in fighting or threatening behavior, or makes unreasonable noises while in public.
Charges could be filed if an individual knowingly enters or unlawfully remains in a building or on property on which notice against trespass is given by fencing or other posting.
It is against the law to unjustifiably deface, destroy, or damage any property.
Hitchhiking is illegal when a person is on the roadway. Hitchhiking at any place or time is strongly discouraged.