Social Security Number
You can obtain your social security ​card at the Social Security Office, 2213 8th Street South, Wisconsin Rapids. You must have a passport, a valid student visa and a letter from a campus employer to be eligible for a social security number. For more information regarding social security, call 1-800-772-1213.
Driver’s License
You can obtain your Wisconsin driver’s license at the Dept. of Transportation, 1001 Maple Bluff Rd., Stevens Point, 345-5321. You must possess a valid driver’s license to be eligible to drive a motor vehicle, motorcycles, motorbikes require a different class of license. Make sure you take valid photo identification, including your social security number.
Wisconsin Identification card
A Department of Transportation-Wisconsin Identification card can be obtained at the Dept. of Transportation, 1001 Maple Bluff Rd., Stevens Point, 345-5321. This card identifies you with a personal picture and your birth date. You will need a certified birth certificate or passport and one other form of identification. The card costs $4.
Bicycle Registration
If you own a bike, you must get it registered. You can register your bike at the Stevens Point Police Dept., 1515 Strongs Ave., 346-1500. The cost is $3. Unregistered bikes may be fined. Bicyclists must obey the same traffic regulations as motor vehicle drivers do.
Fishing and Hunting Licenses
Fishing or hunting enthusiasts must purchase licenses or risk hefty fines. Licenses are available at many local establishments including Wal-Mart. Fishing licenses are good for one year. Be sure to fish and hunt only in authorized areas and not on private property.