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City Streets-Traffic and Parking

Due to heavy pedestrian traffic, traffic laws are strictly enforced by police. Please obey all traffic laws and regulations. On-street parking laws are also enforced by the City Police. Overnight parking from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. on city streets is prohibited year round. Obey parking signs and meters on city streets. Failure to do so may result in a citation and fine.


Campus Parking

Parking on campus lots is by permit only, except in metered areas. Only vehicles with a current and properly displayed permit are authorized to use campus parking lots. You may purchase a parking permit at the Parking Office, George Stien building, 346-3900. Please obey parking regulations and place proper coins in meters in parking lots. Failure to do so may result in costly fines. Campus parking is enforced by Parking Services.

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