University of Wisconsin System (UWS) Regulations and Fines
UWSP Chapter 18 codes are taken out of the Community Rights and Responsibilities policy as it applies to the UWSP Campus. They are a list of the offenses under which UWSP Peace Officers have been granted specific jurisdiction.
University of Wisconsin System Chapter 18:
Conduct on University Lands
Wisconsin Administrative Code/Chapter 18 is similar in scope and nature to municipal ordinance violations. Listed in the table below are prohibited types of conduct on Wisconsin University Lands as listed under UWS 18. For a more detailed description of an offense, click on the corresponding page below. (NOTE: All descriptions may not be current.)
PAGE 1 18.01-18.06
PAGE 2 18.07-18.09
PAGE 3 18.10-18.11(6)
PAGE 4 18.11(7)-18.12
PAGE 5 18.13-18.15
(keep this a table)
18.06(1) ​Unauthorized Property Removal​-$200.50​
18.06(2) ​Removal, Destruction, or Molestation of Wildlife-​$200.50​
18.06(3)(a) ​Prohibited Dumping​-$200.50​
18.06(3)(b)​ Discharge of Pollutants-​$200.50​
18.07(1)​ Unauthorized Climbing; Walking on Roof-​$200.50​
18.07(2)(b) ​Closing Hours-Established​-$200.50​
18.07(2)(d)​ Unauthorized Presence-Arboretum or Picnic Areas​-$200.50​
18.07(3)​ Limits or Prohibition of Entry-​$200.50​
18.07(4)​ Unauthorized Picnicking or Camping-​$200.50​
18.07(5)​ Prohibitions on blocking entrances​-$200.50​
18.07(6)​ Restricted use of unions​-$200.50​
18.07(7)​ Unauthorized Structures​-$200.50​
18.08(1)(b)​ Prohibition of Animals-​$200.50​
18.08(2)(a)​ Athletic events-entering playing surfaces-​$421.00​
18.08(3)​ Bicycles-Unauthorized Parking or Storage​-$200.50​
18.08(4)​ Deposit of human waste-​$263.50​
18.08(5)(a) ​Improper use of university identification cards-Falsification and Duplication​$200.50​
18.08(5)(b)​ Improper Use of University Identification Cards-Use of False, Altered, or Duplicated Card​$200.50​
18.08(5)(c)​ Improper Use of University Identification Cards-Use as false Identity for Services and Goods​$200.50​
18.08(6)(b)​ Keys-Unauthorized Duplication​$200.50​
18.08(6)(c)​ Keys-Unauthorized Transfer or Duplication​$200.50​
18.08(7)​ Loitering​$200.50​
18.08(8) ​Misuse of Parking Services​$295.00​
18.08(9)​ Unauthorized Signs​$200.50​
18.08(10)(a) Recreational activities-Unauthorized Areas and Times$200.50​
18.08(10)(b) ​Recreational Activities-Unauthorized Equipment Storage and Land Usage​$200.50​
18.08(11)​ Smoking-Unauthorized Areas​$200.50​
18.08(12) Ticket scalping prohibited​$200.50​
18.09(1)(a) Alcohol-Prohibited Use or Possession​$200.50​
18.09(1)(b)​ Alcohol-Prohibited Procurement or Dispensation​$200.50​
18.09(2)(a)​ Possession of drug paraphernalia​$326.50​
18.09(3)(a)​ Possession of marijuana​$389.50​
18.10(1)(a)​ Assaultive behavior​$358.00​
18.10(2)​ Prohibited Containers in spectator facilities​$200.50​
18.10(3)(a) ​Possession of a Dangerous Weapons​$515.50​
18.10(4)(a)​ Fire Safety-Unauthorized lighting, building, or using of fire​$200.50​
18.10(4)(b)​ Negligent handling of fire​$389.50​
18.10(4)(c)​ Throw away burning material w/o first extinguishing it​$200.50​
18.10(4)(d)​ Fire detection/fighter equipment tampering​$326.50​
18.10(4)(e)​ Activating false fire alarms​$389.50​
18.10(4)(f)​ Remove emergency exit signs​$232.50​
18.10(4)(g) ​Fail to evacuate facility after notification of fire alarm​$200.50​
18.10(5)​ Operation of a motor vehicle off roadway​$263.50​
18.10(6)​ Possession of fireworks​$263.50​
18.10(7)(a)​ Resisting or obstructing Police Officers​$452.50​
18.10(8)​ Skateboards, roller skates and roller blades, and bicycles-Prohibited or (Misuse of Wheeled device) usage​$200.50​
18.10(9)​ Throwing hard objects​$200.50​
18.11(1)(a-d) ​Computer use​$326.50​
18.11(1)(e,f)​ Computer use-harassment, conceal identity​$358.00​
18.11(2)​ Disorderly conduct​$295.00​
18.11(3)(a,b,f) ​Misuse of telephone​$263.50​
18.11(3)(c)​ Misuse of telephone-Report false emergencies​$358.00​
18.11(3)(d,e)​ Misuse of telephone- lewd, obscene​$326.50​
18.11(4)(a) 1 ​Picketing, rallies, parades, demonstrations and other assemblies-Hindrance to Building​$200.50​
18.11(4)(a)2a​ Picketing, Rallies, Parades, Demonstrations, and other Assemblies-Obstructing Activity of Private Office​$200.50​
18.11(4)(a)2b​ Picketing, Rallies, Parades, Demonstrations, and other Assemblies-Obstructing of Passage​$200.50​
18.11(4)(a)2c​ Picketing, Rallies, Parades, Demonstrations, and other Assemblies-Unauthorized Occupation of Room or Building​$200.50​
18.11(4)(a) 2d ​Picketing, Rallies, Parades, Demonstrations, and other Assemblies-Unauthorized Assembly by Room​$200.50​
18.11(4)(a)4​ Picketing, Rallies, Parades, Demonstrations, and other Assemblies-Prohibited Violence, Force, and Threats​$200.50​
18.11(4)(a)2e ​Picketing, Rallies, Parades, Demonstrations, and other Assemblies-Prohibited Signs on Standards and Sticks​$200.50​
18.11 (5)(a)​ Sound amplifying equipment-Prohibited Use​$200.50​
18.11(6)(b)​ Unauthorized presence​$200.50​
18.11(7)(a)​ Prohibited Entry to Campus-Under suspension or expulsion​$200.50​
18.11(7)(b) ​Prohibited Entry to Campus-Convicted of Crime​$200.50​
18.11(8)​ Unauthorized Selling, peddling and soliciting​$200.50​
18.11(9) ​Unauthorized Campaigning in state-owned residence halls​$200.50​
18.12(1)​ Computer data, program, equipment, supplies​$326.50​
18.12(2)(a, b) Fraud in lodging/restaurants​$263.50​
18.12(3)(a)​ Issue of worthless check​$326.50​
18.12(4)(a)​ Library materials-theft, concealment​$295.00​
18.12(5)​ Retail theft​$295.00​
18.12(6)(a) ​Theft-value under $100​$295.00​
18.12(6)(b) ​Theft-value between $100 and $500​$421.00​
18.12(7)​ Use of cheating tokens​$200.50​
18.12(8)​ Vandalism (Vehicle, Building, Sign, All Other)​$263.50​